Download all the needed items for the Qmail installation
Users comments
hi Thibs
i've been using this setup and now i've discovered some clients sending tons of mails/spam.
Is there a patch or configuration like tarpiting that works with this guide and i could use to limit this behavior?
I try to update those pages on regular basis but I must admit it's not always accurate.
As far as I know, the latest change for Roundcube are new functiallities or bug fixes but not about security.
Note that I sometimes update the bundle with newer software version (and I sometimes forget to update this page)
Hi Thibs,
Do you keep this page updated with latest vulnerabilities/technical improvements ?
For example the packages in the bundle seem to be outdated and thus vulnerable if you use them in production; I would suggest using the apt packages (squirrelmail, roundcube) whenever possible and use the latest versions from the vendors.
My 0,02$
Actually.. it does... it just isn't called by that name... but I checked the patch file and it does indeed make the changes that the "big dns" patch does.
No : it includes all patches described in
Does this include the Big-DNS patch?
It's installed at this step
I found that nothing actually installed the resulting mta-local_1.0_all.deb in the last step of the "software invidually" method. I noticed this problem when an unrelated apt-get gave me all sorts of dep problems. I simply did a dpkg -i mta-local_1.0_all.deb and all was well.
I have an older update buried on my site for a Debian Qmailrocks install. The steps are probably a little old but the notes there might help someone. Its not 100% complete though:
Hello Mark,
It allows visitors to see the original sources location. Moreover, it allows more expert visitors to adapt my procedure with newer version of some softwares (for instance the beta version of vpopmail)
Why bother with the choice? You are specifying the versions to download so you get the same packages and versions anyway.AMSR9
Hi Thibs
Many thanks for the guide
To collaborate a little to those who need to download qmailmrtg, follow the updated link: